

何気なくニュースを見ていると、使用した事がある旅行会社の記事が、、、 asahi.com: 「トラベル遊」格安券トラブル千件 旅行業協会が弁済へ - 社会 http://www.asahi.com/national/update/1228/TKY200512280376.html こういう話があるのは知っていたが自分…



アップルのiMac G5欲しい!

「アップルのiMac G5欲しい!」と書くとどうやら iMac G5 が当たるかもしれない。最近宝くじには当たらないが、運が良い事もあったのできっとあたることだろう。iBookの方が持ち運びが便利だが、まぁデスクトップ機としてあっても良いだろう。とりあえず、iM…

From woody to sarge

The time has come. I am upgrading the distribution package from woody to sarge. It seems very easy, Debian is a great distribution.

Only Dell?

I think that this may not be only Dell. Other companies may do this kind of things. At least, the temp service knows it. asahi.com: Dell introduces people to temp service company though it is Illegal http://www.asahi.com/national/update/08…

Photo album

I was going to make an album by zphoto. But I could not make it with my iBook. When I try to make from the source, it reporets some errors. Unfortunatelty, I have no skill to go on the process, so I have given it up. Maybe someone would be…

High quality DVD-R media for personal use?

There was a man who had made the high quality DVD-R media by himslef. Unbelievable. I would say. ITmedia : 'I wanted it. There was no way but made it by myself.' http://www.itmedia.co.jp/lifestyle/articles/0507/15/news003.html

New Mac

I do not like Pentium4 because of the heat. What if the Mac become noisy...PC WATCH:Macintosh has Intel CPU http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2005/0607/apple2.htm


@IT: AOP http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/farc/rensai/aspect01/aspect01.html

Paper craft

asahi.com:Epson provide the date of paper craft from HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE http://www.asahi.com/business/update/0603/099.html?t


@IT Linux Kernel Watch in May http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/flinux/rensai/watch2005/watch05a.html

Not yet

Excepet a few ditigal camera, it has no facilities to clean low pass filter in the camera. If I buy a digital camera, I would have to do this by myself... I hate it. DC WATCH:Cleaning of a ditigal camera http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/o…


First time to buy stocks for me. I was a little bit nervous when I ordered. I hope that the stocks would make me happy.

Script language

I knew it!! CNET Japan:Script language has been getting popular. http://japan.cnet.com/news/ent/story/0,2000047623,20083535,00.htm Well, I am one of the users of YahooBB, but I haven't got that information yet. It is not comfortable to kno…

Bad desigin I have ever seen

Microsoft has made a new game machine, but its design is too boring. It looks like exactly an PC computer, so I am sure that Xbox 360 has DNA of Microsoft. Microsoft should have asked Apple to design it. PC WATCH:Microsoft Xbox 360 http://…

What is DI?

This is a good article to understand what DI is. I know about Spring framework only a little, so it would be useful for me.@IT: What is DI? http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fjava/rensai3/springdi01/springdi01_1.html


AJAX seems very interesting to me though I have not used JavaScript for a long time. I may want to try it sooner or later. CNET Japan:AJAX http://japan.cnet.com/special/story/0,2000050158,20082580,00.htm I do not know how Git works exactly…

What a price

I think that I would do better job from them. Give me a few of the jobs./.J It cost 300,000,000yen for web site http://slashdot.jp/articles/05/04/09/2359243.shtml?topic=72 I love it.NIKKEI NET:390 yen and you can eat as much as you like. …


It was first time to go to Ueno park. I went there to take a picture, not for drinking. I think that it would be fun to drink there rather than taking a picture. There were so many people in the park, but it was not so difficult to take a …

A foolish guy

I am sure that this judge is useless in this world. A shrewd and malicious criminal? Poor guys.CNET Japan:What is an injustice access http://japan.cnet.com/news/sec/story/0,2000050480,20082116,00.htm

On-line trade

I am going to start on line trade, but, according to this artice, only half of them are winner. I am scared. ITmedia Survey:On line trade's good point is the cost and convinience. http://www.itmedia.co.jp/survey/articles/0503/25/news075.ht…

P-language has some value

I prefer Light-weight Langauge rather than Java, etc. But, there is no menthion about Ruby in this article.ITmedia Enterprise:P-language http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/0503/26/news008.html


Osaka is a good place to live. Why is takoyaki is so diffrent in Osaka and Tokyo?

Mac mini

According to this articel, Apple in japan used to think that the usability of keyboard is not important. asahi.com : Mac mini cannot use a keyboard for Windows in Japan http://www.asahi.com/tech/apc/050311.html

There are still somthing to remind

YOMIURI ON-LINE / Tokyo air raid was criminal http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/editorial/news/20050309ig91.htm asahi.com : Korea complain to the history textbook http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0311/TKY200503110518.html


I have got some spam. As same as this article, I useed to receive spam from OCN. After I reporeted them to OCN support, I receive spam from China, Korea or some other network in Japan.ITmedia:Japanese spam e-mail in fashion. http://www.itm…

Java Computing 2005 Spring

I colud only join the last day. There are some beuatiful women as I expedted.Here some interesting things Next version of Struts JSF UI components Nilvana Wiki - Nirvana Project http://ultimania.org/nirvana/This is not Java but ruby though…


I need something to go somewhere by car or bike. But, I do not want to spend much money for that. The choinori is one of the best choice, but the power is a little bit too weak for me. It is only two horsepower.choinori http://www1.suzuki.…

A gift

Isn't that good for kids?Create a book http://www.store-mix.com/ko-bai/product.php?afid=3641961&pid=20852&oid=1000&hid=56508

The reason that I do not want to pay the tax

There are so much waste about the systems that they have made./.J http://slashdot.jp/articles/05/03/04/0715230.shtml?topic=89