

AJAX seems very interesting to me though I have not used JavaScript for a long time. I may want to try it sooner or later. CNET Japan:AJAX http://japan.cnet.com/special/story/0,2000050158,20082580,00.htm I do not know how Git works exactly…

What a price

I think that I would do better job from them. Give me a few of the jobs./.J It cost 300,000,000yen for web site http://slashdot.jp/articles/05/04/09/2359243.shtml?topic=72 I love it.NIKKEI NET:390 yen and you can eat as much as you like. …


It was first time to go to Ueno park. I went there to take a picture, not for drinking. I think that it would be fun to drink there rather than taking a picture. There were so many people in the park, but it was not so difficult to take a …